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Data Browser

  • Approved Projects (19)
    Filter names
    GCF Region: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean
    Country name
    Private sector or Public sector
    Mitigation or Adaptation
    Result Area
    It refers to the eight GCF result areas: EP (Energy generation and access), LT (Transport), BA (Buildings, cities, industries, and appliances), FL (Forests and land use) for Mitigation and VC (Livelihoods of people and communities), HW (Health, food and water security), IB (Infrastructure and built environment), EE (Ecosystems and ecosystem services) for Adaptation.
    Accredited Entity
    AE name
    Entity Type
    International Access Entity or Direct Access Entity
    Approved Funding Proposal Number
    Approved FP number (e.g. FP001)
    Project Size
    Micro proposals have a GCF funding amount of up to and including USD 10M; small proposals have a GCF funding amount of above USD 10M and up to and including USD 50M; medium proposals have a GCF funding amount of above USD 50M and up to and including USD 250M; and large proposals have
    RFP Type
    It shows the type of RfP (Requests for Proposals) and pilot programmes: REDD+ Results-Based Payments Pilot Programme, EDA (Enhancing Direct Access), MSME (Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises Pilot Programme), MFS (Mobilising Funding at Scale)
    Financial Instrument
    It refers to the financial instrument through which the Fund will provide financing (e.g. Grants, Senior Loans, Guarantees, etc)
    IS LDC
    Returns a binary value on the country classification: Least Development Countries
    Returns a binary value on the country classification: Small Island Developing States
    IS SIDS/LDCS/Africa
    Returns a binary value on the country classification: vulnerable countries (SIDS and LDCS and Africa)
    Is Multi Country
    Returns a binary value whether the project is multi-country project
    Is Multi Region
    Returns a binary value whether the project is multi-regional project
    Is Under Implementation
    Returns a binary value whether the project is under implementation
    FAA Status
    It shows the status of FAA Execution (Executed=Yes, Pending=No) and FAA Effectiveness
    Is Disbursed
    Returns a binary value if the project has received the first disbursement
  • Pipeline (7)
    Filter names
    CIC Stages
    CIC stages for endorsement. CN stands for Concept Note.
    Approved Entity
    Entity name
    Project Name
    Project Name
    Project ID
    Project ID
    Is VC
    Returns a binary value on the country classification: vulnerable countries (SIDS and LDCS and Africa)
    Access Modality
    Access Modality: PAP (Proposal Approval Process), SAP (Simplified Approval Process)
    Task Support
    List of Task Support team member(s) assigned to the subject project
  • Readiness (18)
    Filter names
    Readiness programme type
    It provides a breakdown of readiness programme by threefold: 'standard readiness', 'adaptation planning support (NAP)', and technical assistance.
    Standard Readiness
    It refers to the grants that are approved and monitored with the readiness results management framework (RRMF) since 2015.
    Adaptation Planning Support (NAP)
    It refers to the grants to support the formulation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and other adaptation planning processes as per the board decision B.13/09.
    Technical Assistance
    It refers to technical service contracts procured by the GCF to support countries and entities in accessing climate finance.
    Readiness grants are managed by either one of 1) Secretariat or 2) UNOPS
    Returns a list of GCF Region: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean
    Returns a list of sub-region
    Is LDC
    Returns a binary value on the country classification: Least Developed Countries
    Is SIDS
    Returns a binary value on the country classification: Small Island Developing States
    Is SIDS, LDCS or Africa
    Returns a binary value on the country classification: vulnerable countries (SIDS and LDCs and Africa)
    Country name
    Grant Type
    Framework Agreement is an umbrella agreement between delivery partners and the GCF laying out the terms and conditions for their readiness portfolio; Grant Agreement is a bilateral agreement between a NDA or delivery partner and the GCF (or a designated counterparty for the GCF) stating the terms and conditions of a single readiness grant.
    Delivery Partner Type
    Delivery partner can be one of 1) International accredited entity, 2) National accredited entity, 3) Regional accredited entity, or 3) Non-accredited delivery partner
    Either DP or NDA/Focal Point can be an implementer of readiness grants
    Delivery Partner
    Delivery Partner name
    Country/Regional Grant
    Readiness grants can be targeting either one of 1) individual/multiple countries or 2) region(s)
    Agreement Reference
    Grant Agreement Reference
    Project Title
    Project title

Sectoral Guide

  • Approved Projects (15)
    Filter Names
    Sectoral Guides
    This filter refers to the 10 different Sectoral Guides and is provided in all dashboard screens. In the first set of screens (individual Sectoral Guides), only one Sectoral Guide can be selected at a time. However, in integrated Sectoral Guide screens, it is possible to select multiple Sectoral Guides in order to have integrated and/or comparative analysis.
    Board Meeting
    This filter is provided in almost all screens of the dashboard and provides a means to select and have analysis on the projects approved in different Board Meetings. It is possible to select multiple, or even all Board Meetings.
    Is Africa
    Use to analyze or see information related to African countries by selecting "True" or "False".
    This filter is only available in the screen "Sectoral Guide Projects in Countries".
    Is LDC
    Use to analyze or see information related to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) by selecting "True" or "False".
    This filter is only available in the screen "Sectoral Guide Projects in Countries".
    Is SIDS
    Use to analyze or see information related to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) by selecting "True" or "False"
    This filter is only available in the screen "Sectoral Guide Projects in Countries".
    Note: The filters Is Africa, Is LDC and Is SIDS can be used in combination to provide comparative and / or complimentary analysis of different countries under the Sectoral Guides.
    This variable classifies information in two basic thematic areas of GCF i.e. “Mitigation” and “Adaptation”. However, there are project elements in terms of programmatic and financial information that can be a mix of these two thematic areas and hence sometimes classified as “Cross-Cutting”.
    This variable classifies information in terms of two phases and / or a period of GCF's Resource Mobilization efforts, i.e “IRM” which refers to Initial Resource Mobilization Period, and “GCF-1”, which simply means a period of GCF's efforts through its first resource mobilization strategy, which started with 2020 and is planned to end with 2023 and will subsequently followed by GCF-2 replenishment phase/period (2024-2027).
    This variable classifies information based on whether the funding is provided for a “Programme” or a “Project”
    Access Modality
    This variable classifies information based on whether the project or a programme is being implemented by either of following two types of Entities:
    1. A “Direct Access Entity (DAE)”
      DAEs are entities accredited under the direct access modality, including subnational, national or regional entities, that have obtained a nomination from NDAs/focal points. They may include ministries or government agencies, development banks, climate funds, commercial banks or other financial institutions, private foundations and non-governmental organizations.
    2. An “International Access Entity (IAE)”
      IAEs are AEs that are accredited under the international access modality track and operate across multiple regions and countries. IAEs include bilateral development agencies, multilateral development banks, United Nations organizations, intergovernmental organizations and private sector financial institutions.
    This variable classifies information based on whether the project or a programme is being implemented by a “Public” sector entity, or a “Private” sector entity.
    Fiduciary Standards
    Fiduciary standards are an element of the AE’s scope of accreditation that is determined based on the assessment by the GCF of the fiduciary, transparency, accountability, financial management, principles and policies, and track record of the AE, against the GCF fiduciary principles and standards. All AEs must satisfy the basic fiduciary requirements of GCF. There are three specialized fiduciary standards that AEs may be accredited for, including a combination thereof:
    1. Project management: where an AE manages, supervises, and oversees the overall project or programme, either directly or indirectly through executing entities. The AE has identified EEs and beneficiaries at the time of the funding proposal.
    2. Grant award and/or funding allocation mechanisms: where AEs provide grants to beneficiaries through an award system or competitive-based mechanism. The mechanisms (including criteria for selection of beneficiaries, modalities for providing financing, decision-making processes for allocating grants, etc.) are identified in the funding proposal, however, the identification of EEs to undertake the actual selection of beneficiaries, and identification of beneficiaries, would take place after the funding proposal is approved by GCF.
    3. On-lending and/or blending (for loans, blending, equity and/or guarantees): where AEs provide loans, equity and/or guarantees onto beneficiaries using GCF resources, or blending resources. This also includes AEs that provide resources to an EE, such as a fund manager, that further on-lends, undertakes equity investments and/or provides guarantees to beneficiaries.
    Nominal Financing
    The is the nominal financing provided by the GCF, in the larger projects or programme. The project or a programme may also be comprised of co-financing from other sources and hence the nominal financing abd the co-financing sums up to accumulate the total financing of the project or a programme.
    Grant Equivalent
    The grant element multiplied by the amount of money extended. It means the discounted amount of the aid, equivalent to what it would amount to if provided in the form of a grant to the aid beneficiary, before taxes or other charges, as calculated at the date of award of the aid or at the time the aid is notified to the Commission, whichever is earlier, on the basis of the reference rate applicable on that date.
    Financial Instrument
    Types of financing GCF provide in the form of grants, concessional lending, and other modalities. The Board, by decision B.08/12, concluded that GCF would work through AEs, who may deploy the resources in approved projects and programmes by using a diverse range of financial instruments, focusing on but not limited to grants, concessional loans, equity and guarantees.
    Paradigm Shifting Pathways
    GCF strives to ensure that its investments drive a paradigm shift towards low emissions and climate resilience. Both mitigation and adaptation as well as crosscutting are considered as critical parts of the response to climate change, with eight result areas holding important potential. GCF focuses on facilitating transformative change alongside national priorities, potential to deliver concrete climate benefits, cost considerations, and opportunities to deliver co-benefits. Each sector has identified two to four pathways that can affect transformational change which is one of GCF’s core values.